Genealogical Research

My Family Tree

Interested in researching genealogy records?

Visit the following links:

Please note: NH Statutes allow the general public access for genealogical research to birth records prior to 1911 and death, divorce and marriage records prior to 1961.

Town Clerk Research Request

The Town Clerk’s office does have certain birth, death, and marriage records that date back to 1730.  Due to the fragility of these records only the Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk have access to them.  We can research these records for you depending on the extensiveness of the request and the personnel available.  A Genealogy Research Request form and a $15.00 fee is required for each search, regardless of the search outcome.  This fee includes up to 10 copies of the record and any additional copies will be charged at $0.50 per page due upon receipt.

If paying by check, make it payable to Town of Chester, and send your Request form and payment to:

Town of Chester, Attn: Town Clerk, 84 Chester St, Chester, NH 03036


Please keep in mind this research may take some time.  We are unable to photocopy the records because of the frail condition but will photograph the record and email or mail you a copy. Please contact the Town Clerk's office for more information and details.