Chester Fire Department Awarded Grant

The Town is pleased to announce that the Chester Fire Department has been awarded yet another grant, for $2,000.  The purpose of this grant is to replace aging forestry equipment such as the forestry hose, backpack pumps, nozzles, and appliances, as well as purchasing new gloves and helmets.  This grant requires a 50% match; as the Town raised and appropriated $2,000 in the FY18-19 budget for forestry equipment, the Fire Department will now be able to purchase $4,000 worth of equipment for only $2,000 in taxpayer dollars.

The Chester Firefighters Association raises money all year through fundraising and donations.  This year the Association voted to use $5,000 of these funds to replace a ~20-30 year old forestry pump, and $4,500 to order boots to be worn during brush fires.  The Association members continually make every effort to reduce the tax impact on the Town.

Congratulations to the Chester Fire Department!