It's Winter, and You Know What That Means...

Snow!  And plows!  

We've gotten a few calls and emails about mailboxes damaged during the plowing.  I truly apologize about that - they certainly don't do it on purpose - often it's the pushing of the wet, heavy snow that knocks over a post, and sometimes, not often, the plow clips a mailbox and damages it.  A couple comments.

  • The USPS recommends that the bottom of your mailbox be between 41" - 45" from the ground.  The average plow blade is 40".  It should pass right under.
  • Remember that the Town has an easement over the first few feet from the edge of the pavement.  The snowplow driver is directed to plow about 12" - 18" from the edge of the pavement, into that easement, in order to create a swale so that when the snow melts for any reason, the water can run down the side of the road rather than onto it where it might freeze again and cause ice.  That's why they plow wider than the road itself.

That said, if you do end up having a mailbox issue, please go to the Contact Us page and select Roads to let them know. 

As always, thank you for your patience and understanding!