Transfer Station: The new Mixed Paper Trailer has arrived! And please pre-sort your recyclables!


The Transfer Station has received the new mixed paper trailer as sent by NRRA!  

No changes in cardboard for a week or so, but once the current trailer is full, that will be pulled also (as it belongs to the company that has gone out of business) and a new cardboard process put in place.

As of today, though - January 6th, 2021 - mixed paper and newspaper will be separated into large cardboard boxes called 'gaylords'.  These will be palletized and set in front of the mixed paper trailer with either an attendant or a sign so you know what goes where.  Magazines go in with mixed paper; inserts can remain with newspaper.  Once the gaylords are full, they'll be moved into the trailer.  This will make your visit faster as you won't have to go all the way into the trailer to drop off your paper.  Just make sure to keep your newspaper separated from your regular paper.

In addition - please be sure to pre-sort your recyclables into plastic, glass, cans, paper, newspaper, cardboard, etc.  We've had a few (new?) residents with it all in one bag, and that extends their time spent in the barn quite a bit while s/he walks back and forth repeatedly from trailer to trailer, as the cars waiting on Dump Road back up to 102.    

Any questions?  The attendants there will be happy to help.