Recreation Basketball Update

Recreation Basketball Update

On Tuesday, November 9th the Lamprey River Basketball League which is the league that Chester Recreation plays basketball through held their league meeting to kickoff the 2021/2022 basketball season. The league President provided clarification for all member towns on a number of points given the unique situation that the league faced in fall of 2020. During that time, many towns including Chester opted not to hold their recreational basketball program due to the pandemic. Consequently, the towns that participated encouraged participation from children in those towns that did not. The President of the league indicated that this was a unique year and children from towns with active recreation programs would not be allowed to register in another town to play in the Lamprey River League without a waiver approved from the towns in the league including the league the child resides in. 

The spirit of this process is to keep the recreation league a learning and skill building league where all children have the option to participate. Keeping children in their hometown balances out the league and prevents all of the top players in the league registering in one town or league. There are certainly AAU leagues in the area that offer this more competitive environment for children that are seeking this out. In addition, participation in sports is down post-pandemic for unknown reasons. For example, the Chester school soccer team was unable to field a girls team due to low participation and they had to field a co-ed team this year. 

Basketball traditionally has lower participation levels than soccer and we need every child who wants to participate in the Lamprey River program playing in Chester. Therefore, Chester will not be granting any waivers to play in other towns as part of the Lamprey River League. We encourage those registered in other towns as part of the Lamprey River League to join us for practices this week as you decide how your child will participate moving forward. 

Practice times this week for the middle level divisions:

7/8 BOYS  –  Wed (tonight), November 10th @ 6:00 PM

5/6 GIRLS –  Friday, November 12th @ 5:30 PM

7/8 GIRLS –  Friday, November 12th @ 5:30 PM

5/6 BOYS  –  Friday, November 12th @ 7:00 PM

All home practices and games are mask optional and held in the MPR.

Register online at

See you all on the court!