Wason Pond Fishing

WASON POND CONSERVATION AND RECREATION AREA is a great place for families to come out and enjoy fishing.

Even though our Kids Fishing Derby was canceled this year, Recreation has stocked the pond with some Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout.  Please remember, persons 16 years or older need a license to fish in freshwater or saltwater in New Hampshire.  Visit New Hampshire Fish and Game for additional information:  https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/index.html


Also called "squaretail" or "speckled trout," the brook trout requires well-oxygenated cold water, 68 degrees or less. It can be found in meadow brooks, rivers, streams and ponds. The brookie is easily caught with flies or small spinners. Earthworms are the most effective live bait.

Due to the low levels of nutrients in the water bodies housing brookies, they are short-lived and rarely exceed 6 inches in length. Sixty remote ponds are stocked with fingerling brook trout and are managed for put-grow-and-take. It is possible to catch a 4-pound trout in some of these ponds, due to the light fishing pressure they receive.


The rainbow trout thrives best in cold water, but can withstand temperatures up to 77 degrees if the water is well aerated. This species is well adapted to lakes and streams. Any trout fishing method can be used to catch rainbows. Spinners, flies, small spoons and bait are effective. The usual size of rainbows found in streams and ponds is between 6 and 12 inches and less than one pound. In larger lakes, however, 3-5 pound rainbows can be caught.

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