Voting & Election FAQ

November 3rd State General Election

Voting & Election FAQ - November 3rd State General Election 


Where can I register to Vote? – All unregistered voters must register at the polls. The Supervisors of the Checklist have finalized the official checklist. There will be a table set up for voter registration at the polls on November 3rd.

What do I need to register to vote?- Proof of Identity (driver’s license, passport, etc.), proof of citizenship(birth certificate, passport, or naturalization paperwork), proof of domicile (driver’s license with Chester address or 2 documents showing your name and Chester address such as utility bill, paystub, bank statement).

Can I vote early or do mail in voting? - No, NH does not have early voting or mail in voting. NH has an absentee ballot process. Voters must formally request an absentee ballot by filling out an Absentee Ballot Request form and submitting it to the Town Clerk’s Office. The request is entered and tracked through the State’s ElectioNet database. You can track your ballot by going to .

Is it too late to request an absentee ballot? – No, you can request an absentee ballot until Monday, November 2nd. The Clerk’s office will be open from 3-5 PM on that Monday specifically for issuing and receiving absentee ballots only. Absentee ballots will be accepted until 5:00 PM on election day.

Can I drop off someone else’s Absentee Ballot Request form? – Yes, however the absentee ballot will be mailed to the voter. Absentee Ballots may not be handed to anyone other than the registered voter requesting the absentee ballot.

Can I drop off someone else’s absentee ballot? – Yes, if you meet the criteria of a Delivery Agent which is the voter’s spouse, parent, sibling, child, grandchild, in-laws (father, mother, son daughter) stepparent, stepchild, or a person assisting a blind voter or a voter with a disability who has signed a statement on the affidavit envelope acknowledging the assistance. Other delivery agent criteria would be for nursing home or residential care facility administrators for which we do not have in Chester at this time. An Absentee Ballot Return Form must be completed and proof of identity for the delivery agent must be presented.

Where and when do we vote? – 84 Chester Street on November 3rd from 7:00AM-7:00PM. Voting will take place in the Multipurpose Room (MPR) and the PACT Studio. Masks must be worn to vote in the MPR. The PACT Studio will be available as a mask optional room.

Can I wear campaign material inside the polls? – No. RSA 659:43 – NH prohibits campaign material inside the polling place. If you wear campaign materials to vote be prepared to remove the articles or cover them. Campaign materials could be statements for or against a candidate or party, candidate’s name, picture of candidate or logos (worn on shirts, hats, buttons, masks, scarfs, etc.).

There is a lot of election materials and social media posts about the upcoming election and voting, how do I know what to follow?- Always use trusted sources for your information such as your local election officials, Town Moderator, Supervisors of the Checklist, Town Clerks, or State election officials such as the NH Secretary of State’s Office, and NH Attorney General’s Office.